Friday, October 16, 2009

What Were They Thinking?!

When I surf the internet, I found this website :
They show some celebrities that "Gone Wrong" when they dress up!
Here are the examples :

1. Tylor Momsen

Why they choose Tylor Momsen?! She Definitely edgy!

2. Demi Moore

What the hell she was thinking?! The Dress like a sack!

3. Serena Williams

I just can't she this picture! This dress is the UGLIEST DRESS I've ever seen! Look at her Legs too!

4. Mandy Moore

She just fine! Nothing wrong with this dress!

5. Kylie Minogue

I know she's pretty but I must agree, this is just like pj! Try to look better Kyle when you go out!

6. Paula Abdul

Not Pretty at all!! She just look like Anggun C Sasmi! Lol!

7. Paris Hilton

I just want to say : Miaaauuuu!!

8. Pamela Anderson

Well, at least she's not showing her D cups! : 0

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